Monday, December 27, 2010

First Walk in 160 days

So for 2011 I'm not going to make one of those resolutions that I know is hard for me to keep like losing weight. So I made it my resolution to walk for causes this year and to do a marathon by 2012!

On Saturday I signed up for two walks already!! Race for the Cure on June 5 and then a walk for research for dogs with cancer in November (I don't know the date of that one yet).

I'm really excited to be doing these walks. One because I have to believe in the cause to not only walk in them but to fundraise for them. Being the non-profit person that I am I know you have to believe in the mission to support a non-profit! There is also a sense of follow through that is exciting. I know that when I do my first walk crossing the finish line will be awesome, but being 40% to my fundraising goal already and knowing that I can raise that money is a great feeling as well.

So yesterday I went and got myself a great waterproof, light weight, insulated, walking jacket! Woke up this morning (pressing snooze 50,000 times like always) and put on my sneakers and got out there. I told myself I would walk for 10 minutes and turn around. The first 10 minutes was a walk in the park.... coming back on the other hand. WOW, did I feel it in my legs.

I made it and so did CHAMUDI!! (and he didn't limp too much, he is FAST asleep already!)

Here is off to another 160 days to one part of a big goal!!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!! Not only will you be doing it for a good cause, but you will have fun also- I guarantee it! Can't wait to hear how it all goes. Yay!
