Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day off

WAYYYYY tooo cold!! Maybe later today when it warms up I'll do my walk but for this wannabe Cali girl 31 degrees is just too much!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Learning things!

Well here we are at day 3... woke up pressing snooze as always.

Things I learned this morning on my walk:
  1. Do not read work emails before I start. An email that I read really pissed me off and I thought of how I would respond the entire walk! (probably better as it gave me time to think and not react, but still didn't like it!)
  2. Music- nothing better then putting on my pandora and getting Debbie Gibson as my first song :) I have to tell you that having 80's Debbie and Glee as a list is amazing! Not sure how Wicked got in there, hmm maybe Glee, but loved that too. Going to update my lists for tomorrow.
  3. Chamudi- don't understand why he feels the need to sometimes run. Every time he does he hops and then limps on the leg for the next few steps of the walk. There was a good period of the walk where he wasn't limping. Maybe these longer walks are helping him too! Still cracks me up that by the time I sit down to write my post he has gobbled up his food and is passed out asleep again.
Well that is all for today folks!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day 2 or should I say 159 more days to my first walk!

Chamudi woke me up at 7:30. I was exhausted and didn't want to get up until the alarm went off at 8:20, but no I got up and got ready and out the door we went.

I didn't want to push myself too much yet so only did 10 minutes, but had to do A LOT of stretching today. I'm not so good when it comes to the that. I forget and well just don't do it. I'll go back to 20 minutes tomorrow.

I'm a bit achy but not too bad. Chamudi was exhausted yesterday and went up to bed before me it was hilarious. Although I think that is what made him get up earlier :(

When I get paid this week I'm going to get fitting for good walking sneakers!

Monday, December 27, 2010

First Walk in 160 days

So for 2011 I'm not going to make one of those resolutions that I know is hard for me to keep like losing weight. So I made it my resolution to walk for causes this year and to do a marathon by 2012!

On Saturday I signed up for two walks already!! Race for the Cure on June 5 and then a walk for research for dogs with cancer in November (I don't know the date of that one yet).

I'm really excited to be doing these walks. One because I have to believe in the cause to not only walk in them but to fundraise for them. Being the non-profit person that I am I know you have to believe in the mission to support a non-profit! There is also a sense of follow through that is exciting. I know that when I do my first walk crossing the finish line will be awesome, but being 40% to my fundraising goal already and knowing that I can raise that money is a great feeling as well.

So yesterday I went and got myself a great waterproof, light weight, insulated, walking jacket! Woke up this morning (pressing snooze 50,000 times like always) and put on my sneakers and got out there. I told myself I would walk for 10 minutes and turn around. The first 10 minutes was a walk in the park.... coming back on the other hand. WOW, did I feel it in my legs.

I made it and so did CHAMUDI!! (and he didn't limp too much, he is FAST asleep already!)

Here is off to another 160 days to one part of a big goal!!